
New production releases should be created every time the main branch is updated.


For version numbers, we use A.B.C, where

  • C is increased for bug fixes,

  • B is increased for new features and minor API breaking changes,

  • A is increased for major API breaking changes,

as suggested by the Python packaging guide.

Create a new release

After new commits have been added via pull requests to the develop branch, changes can be merged to main and a new version of pyPESTO can be released.

Merge into main

  1. create a pull request from develop to main,

  2. check that all code changes are covered by tests and all tests pass,

  3. check that the documentation is up-to-date,

  4. adapt the version number in fitmulticell/ (see above),

  5. update the release notes in CHANGELOG.rst,

  6. request a code review,

  7. merge into the origin main branch.

To be able to actually perform the merge, sufficient rights may be required. Also, at least one review is required.

Create a release on GitHub

After merging into main, create a new release on GitHub. This can be done either directly on the project GitHub website, or via the CLI as described in Git Basics - Tagging. In the release form,

  • specify a tag with the new version as specified in fitmulticell/,

  • include the latest additions to CHANGELOG.rst in the release description.

Upload to PyPI

The upload to the python package index PyPI has been automatized via GitLab CI/CD and is triggered whenever a new release tag is published.

Should it be necessary to manually upload a new version to PyPI, proceed as follows: First, a so called “wheel” is created via:

python bdist_wheel

A wheel is essentially a zip archive which contains the source code and the binaries (if any).

This archive is uploaded using twine:

twine upload dist/fitmulticell-x.y.z-py3-non-any.wheel

replacing x.y.z by the respective version number.

For a more in-depth discussion see also the section on distributing packages of the Python packaging guide.